Leadership: Great Leaders,
Great Teams, Great Results
“The call and need of a new era is for greatness. Tapping into the higher reaches of human genius and motivation requires leaders to have a new mind-set, a new skillset, and a new tool-set.”Stephen R. Covey
Franklincovey’s Leadership: Great Leaders, Great Teams, Great Results program will help leaders learn how to:
- Build trust and influence with others.
- Define their team’s purpose and their “job to be done.”
- create a strategic link between the work of the team and the goals of the organization.
- connect the work of the team to the organization’s economic model.
- Align the four essential systems of execution, talent, core work processes, and customer feedback.
Do your leaders know how to unleash the highest and best contribution of their teams toward their organization’s most critical priorities?
Today’s leaders must be able to see their people as “whole people”—body, heart, mind, and spirit—and manage and lead accordingly. As a result, leaders spend their efforts creating a place where people want to stay and in which they are enabled to offer their best, time and time again.
Today’s Leadership Crisis
the transition from the industrial Age to the knowledge worker Age has
resulted in four chronic problems faced by today’s leaders. these include:
- Trust in leaders at historic lows. Just when the payoff for trust was never higher, we have wary customers, hesitant partners, a cynical public, and suspicious employees.
- Strategic uncertainty. challenges that once took years to materialize now arise overnight; competitive advantages vanish,
governments vie for capital and talent; and hyper-paced technological change means that someone on the other side of the world just turned your business on its head.
- An ominous shortage of experienced leadership. in some countries, throngs of leaders are retiring. And other rapidly-growing countries lack qualified leaders. The result? Inconsistent execution, weak decisions, missed opportunities, and unfulfilled employees.
- The war for talent. Just when the right idea can change an industry, knowledge and creativity are at a premium—and totally mobile. People no longer satisfied with just showing up want to make a difference. the best people hire their employers, not the other way around. And the contribution they can make is more motivating than their paycheck.
Leaders unleash talent and capability by carrying out the 4 imperatives in a “whole person” way. they are sequential in that one builds upon
another, and simultaneous—meaning that you must constantly pay attention to all four in order to sustain outstanding performance.
Great leaders can be defined as having these 4 Imperatives:
- Imperative 1: Inspire Trust — to build credibility as a leader, so that people will trust you with their highest efforts.
- Imperative 2: Clarify Purpose — to define a clear and compelling purpose that people will want to offer their best to achieve.
- Imperative 3: Align Systems — to create systems of success that support the purpose and goals of the organization, enable people
to do their best work, operate independently of you, and endure overtime. - Imperative 4: Unleash Talent — to develop a winning team, where people’s unique talents are leveraged against clear performance expectations in a way that encourages responsibility and growth.
Overcome today’s challenges by tapping into the best thinking of well-known leadership experts such as:
- Jack Welch (former head of GE)
- Ram Charan (Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done)
- Fred Reichheld (The Ultimate Question)
- Clayton Christensen (The Innovator’s Dilemna)
- Stephen R. Covey (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)
- Stephen M. R. Covey (The Speed of Trust)
Assessing and Implementing the Principles of Great Leadership
More than just a training event, Leadership: Great Leaders, Great Teams, Great Results takes a process-oriented approach to developing great leaders. the process, as outlined below, includes:
- Prework to help you prepare for the experience, including defining a personal leadership challenge or opportunity you want to focus on.
- A Leadership Quotient (LQ) assessment to measure your leadership capabilities against the 4 imperatives of great leaders.
- A full set of electronic tools, videos, and other resources to help you implement what you have learned and achieve new levels of results when you return to your organization.,
- Exclusive access to online leadership tools, expert interviews, and other resources at www.leadershipcontract.com.
- A follow-up Leadership Quotient assessment (six months after the program)
Цена за индивидуални клиенти (Отворени семинари):
600 лв. на човек без ДДС
Запишете се сега!
Цена за корпоративни клиенти:
(фирмени семинари)
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Клиентът се ангажира да заплати 100% авансово стойността на целия семинар. Това е допълнителна гаранция за участието му. Моля плащането да бъде извършено до 5 работни дни от получаване на потвърждение за участие в семинара.
Отказ от семинара
Клиентът се задължава, в случай, че се отказва от участието си да информира организатора на обучението или офиса на компанията не по-късно от 10 работни дни преди семинара. В случай, че Клиентът се забави и отказът е получен след този срок, FranklinCovey удържа 50% от таксата за семинара.
Отмяна на семинар
В случай, че доставчикът на обучения не събере минималния брой участници си гарантира правото да отмени обучението като своевременно информира всички записали се.
Място на семинара
Седмица преди провеждането всеки участник получава мейл-покана, в която са упоменати логистичните детайли свързани с дадения семинар.